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A member registered Jan 05, 2024

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Firstly, I'm so glad I have found your game! The art, music, and the interface are superb. Although by far, I have encountered some bugs as I played them, and I hope putting them here will help your development. I really look forward to having this game finished because I will definitely play it!

Bugs encountered:
1. The prompt with the dvd npc in the convenience store is repeatable (not really a problem since it doesn't break the game)
2. When you walk in the convenience store, the character's walking speed slows down and it will permanently keep its pace even if you go outside the store. Also, not sure if it's just me but if you walked in twice the convenience store, it would go slower than your current pace of walking.
3. When you encounter the two toilet ghosts, the screen would shake, and it will prompt permanently throughout the game. I expected the screen shake would stop after the ghosts' party, but it didn't which made me dizzy to go to other areas to seek ghosts.
4. If you consume any food from the convenience store, it will ask you if you want to eat it. If you choose "no", the food will still disappear from your inventory.
5. I tried going back to the bathroom stall and had the toilet ghosts' cutscene repeat again.